Daily Activiti 3 English

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

Hi guys, we're back in the Makassar tourism polytechnic kitchen. Today is the 3rd day we entered the kitchen. At 7:00 I arrived at campus, I headed behind Kichen, then my friends and I sat sitting while waiting for the arrival of oneline. It was time for our oneline to stand neatly and we were charged by kak rere and wafra, and we were apsen one by one after that we entered kichen.

In kichen we went online again then kak rere and kak wafra provided us with material about Indonesian breakfast. Indonesian breakfast material was fried rice, satay, Taliwang chicken, tomato sauce, pickles, and chicken porridge. There was still much more about Indonesian material, but Sis Rere and kak wafra only mentioned the menu. and we also listened to the material given.

After that, we were divided into 4 groups and our group made Taliwang chicken.Taliwang chicken is a typical food of the island of Lombok from the village of Taliwang, Kampung Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, which is made from chicken meat. , shallots, garlic, tomatoes, fried shrimp paste, kencur, brown sugar and salt. After that we immediately prepared the materials and tools to be used. I immediately took 3 chickens and I immediately worked on them. I cut the chickens into 12 parts each. After I wash it thoroughly and directly we cook it and wait until it is cooked. After cooking it is filtered with water and separated between meat and water then left to stand

At 12 o'clock the activity was stopped and we rested while listening to the sound of the azan suhur. After that we went straight to the mosque to pray after we prayed again and ate with seniors. After eating we immediately entered the cool kitchen, and we immediately continued to work on our Taliwang chicken. after everything is finished we immediately package using plastic wrap, then let it stand. After a long time in silence we immediately serve and ready to show.

after that we and friends continued with General Cilining. We were also divided into tasks, kak rere and kakwafra immediately appointed us where we would clean. I and some friends were appointed to clean the cool kitchen. I and my friends immediately cleaned the tools that were We have used and in the past cleaned the table and brushed the floor and the grainase. After we finished we rested behind the kichen while waiting for the hot time.

After that, it was time for asar we rushed to the musollah and prayer, after the prayer we continued study with friends and seniors. We listened to the study from Pak Ustad namely

About 10 virtues of science compared wealth.

- That knowledge is the inheritance of the prophets, while wealth is the legacy of the kings or the rich.

- That science will take care of the owner, while the owner of the property will guard the property.

-The treasures will be exhausted when spent while the knowledge will increasingly grow and develop when spent.

- The owner of the treasure when he dies then his wealth will be left with him, as for knowledge when he has died, then knowledge will go into the grave.

- That science is a judge of property, while property cannot judge knowledge.

Wealth can be obtained by believers, infidels, good people, and bad people, and useful knowledge cannot be obtained except for believers.

- People with knowledge are needed by the kings and people under him, while people who have property are only needed by people who do not have anything.

-that soul will be glorious and will be clean by gathering knowledge and obtaining it, and it is the glory of the soul. As for these treasures, it sometimes cleanses the soul, but cannot perfect the soul and cannot add to the nature of perfection of the soul.

- in fact a soul towards theology, that is the perfection of the soul.

-Your knowledge will deliver the soul to achieve happiness that he created for him. As for wealth is a hijab barrier between the soul and happiness.

After that, Pak Ustad closed the study and we went home.


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