Daily activity 8
February 13, 2020

Assalamualaikum waramatullahi wabarakatu

Hay friends back again on my blog that my activities for one day was in kichen poltekpar Makassar. At 7.00 I thought from home to campus, at 7.30 I arrived at campus, I went straight to kichen, in kichen I met friends I and I immediately greeted him, I was sitting on the backyard terrace of Kichen. We immediately told him about our blog while waiting for the senior to charge today.

After 8:00 a senior was there and we were online with friends and we were recharged by senior kak wahyu, we were immediately apsen one by one and checked our equipment. After everything was complete we were allowed into the kitchen. We went straight to the locker to store our toolbags and install equipment such as aprons and provide stationery such as small books and pens

We went straight to cool kithen and we were immediately oneline, after a few minutes Chef Dino came and gave us directions and explained and taught us how to work on making the menu menu, which is gejrot tofu menu, red bean soup, chilli sauce, duck sliced, white rice, and doko doko cangkuning. Chhef dino also taught us about how to work in hotels, and we had to be diligent in putting up our garages, said chef dino.

After we were taught by chef dino we immediately worked on my group assignments to make doko doko cangkuning. I immediately prepared the material we were going to use, I made the contents of doko doko which is jam. brown sugar, after the brown sugar is melted I add the coconut and add water, salt, and pandan leaves. I stir until the sugar is completely absorbed into the grated coconut.

Gejrot tofu is a typical food of Cirebon, Indonesia which is made from tofu and other seasonings. Gejrot tofu consists of tofu that has been fried then cut into small pieces and then eaten with a sauce of chili, garlic, onion, sugar. Usually served in small layouts.
Sambal matah is a type of condiment from Bali. The chili is made from shallots, chilies, lemongrass, orange leaves and lime juice.
This duck comes from the city of Bali (Indonesia), a city known as a thousand island gods. The ingredients also use coconut milk, the duck is boiled first and then braised to make soft meat on the tongue. Also using spices are also mashed. The nyatnyat duck that we made yesterday was served with white rice, water spinach kale and chili sauce.

Red bean soup or commonly called dengen Brenebon, this name is a local pronunciation of the people of Manado taken from the Netherlands, namely bruine bonen meaning "red beans". This food comes from the Dutch influence adopted by the people of eastern Indonesia.
This soup dish is made from red beans and vegetables served in a meat broth with a mixture of soup seasonings in general such as garlic, pepper and other seasonings. Best served hot.

Cangkuning roko-roko because of its distinctive taste and fragrant aroma from this banana leaf dressing so many people like it. Doko means a wrapper filled with Bugis dough called Cangkuning. Because it's wrapped again with leaves, that's why it's called Doko-doko Cangkuning.

After that we immediately formed cold jam into balls and purple adona wrapped the jam, then the dough was wrapped again in white dough, then wrapped again with banana leaves. After that we steamed using a large saucepan and we waited until After we cook, we chill for a few minutes, then I split and my group of friends immediately arrange and decorate our menu. After everything is finished, we immediately order to the restaurant. After that we continue to general cilining and study.


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